Sevilla 24-25 Roster

The injury to Badé is not too serious, two weeks though. There we go again with a depleted defence. It’s a good job we have Mr Reliable Marcáo to fill in.

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We have the the lowest salary cap of any club in the top two divisions.


That is literally up shit creek without a paddle, or canoe.

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Even more serious than I thought.

To anyone who don’t understand this salary cap, in my limited & simplified understanding,
contract signed before this salary cap is not affected, but all new contract must follow this limit.

It’s 1000% on Monchi (& Castro, not sure about Del Nido Jr), he (they) ruined us. Giving big salary contract to crap or old player & trainer, few years in row.


Definitely concerning, but is largely just part of the same trend. Financially overextended and short on cash. And underperforming on revenue/net income. But I wouldn’t over extrapolate this to mean that the finances of the club are crashing, just that it’s clear that we need to be headed downwards and not upwards in salary expenditurea. Which we’ve been doing quite successfully this window.

So let’s not wet the bed. If we were continuing to spend like drunken sailors and had these numbers appear…that would be reason for concern. As is…the numbers are what you’d expect in our circumstances and the club is doing exactly what one needs to do when you’re short on revenue and long on expenses… tighten the belt back into alignment with where we are as a club: a middle of the table, no Europe club. A year or two of success as a middle of the table club and we’ll get a big glut of revenue and be able to loosen the belt a bit.

Season 2 GIF by The Simpsons

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While it seems legitimate that the Liga aparatus manage the financial excess of whatever club, is this just another way of managing the final outcome of la liga, it’s a rhetorical question.

Is it possible that Sevilla FC are flush with cash? The president is quoted as saying that the club has €128m in the bank.

he was probably confused with our teams market value :rofl:


He got his personal accounts mixed up. :wink:


Perhaps his account app was still set on Pesetas


This is the worst rated team for Sevilla since I started playing Fifa in 2009ish.


Confirmed by facts: Suso is our best player, followed by Gudelj!

Fortunately, scouting isn’t done with the data from video games. Fingers crossed that some of our cheap buys turn out to better than their “76” ratings.