Virtual Hangouts/Watch Parties

Just curious if anyone would ever be interested in a virtual hangout session or watching games together? Outside of my wife, I have trouble finding anyone to watch the games with. Even just getting online and having a bit of a hangout session. We all obviously have a connection to SFC so it would be fun to share how we became fans of the club!


Or if anyone plays Fifa starting up a league online could be fun as well!


That sounds cool. A virtual call with everyone would be nice just for a general catch up on things. Whether it’s watching Sevilla live, talking about Sevilla generally or talking about what we all been up to and that. Great idea.


Count me in for both.

Who’s ready for some Fifa online games next week?


I am shit, but I am always down!


What would be the best platform for everyone? Zoom? Skype? Discord?

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We can host on our podcast software. I’m already paying for it. I can set up anything that’s needed. I’m always down to do a watch together. It’s a bit complicated because of delays, but we know now to pause and then start together.


That would be great! What is the software, and what would be required of users to have to join up?


If anyone wants to add me on FIFA, my username is MikeyJay4Mac


So looking at the details, we can have up to 10 people on “stage” basically chatting and talking and then another 10 Backstage that can listen and chat via the chat.

Would that work? I can’t imagine there would be more than 10 joining.

The software is Squadcast and it’s just through the browser.

To join tomorrow if you would like to chat:

If you would just like to listen in:


Hell yeah! Looking forward to it!

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I’m WolfpackChris on Xbox


Not sure how it works with crossplay in EA FC 24.

@ChrisLail do you have Xbox X / S ?

It just uses EA so it is cross platform

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I’m still on the One I think.

Hello everyone!

I would like to propose a new way to try and approach our virtual hangouts. I think that watching every game together is a bit much, so I would like to throw out the idea of selecting one game a month to try and schedule it ahead of time and get as many of us as possible together for a chat and watching the game. If this has any interest, please let me know and I can throw out a poll to get games selected for each month. Let me know if this would be something that interests you all!


Sounds like a great idea. Still no guarantee we’ll get a great turnout, but hopefully will help us get some momentum behind which games seem collectively most likely for watch parties


This is a much better idea compared to trying to watch every game.

I usually watch them alone or with my father live on TV, have done so since forever. I could sacrifice a game a month or 1 in 2 months (depending on the volume of matches) to watch it alongside the MM folks, but definitely not very frequently or let alone every match.

There’s also something else going on with me regarding football. Not that I’m totally losing passion, but this season has been very depressing in overall. Both Sevilla and the Kosovo NT have been terrible, and that has affected my passion and will to watch football in overall. I’m trying to enjoy the Euros and it is going ok… but hopefully things will be better in the 2024-25 season. Even if we don’t achieve much, at least we could bring back that excitement, play some good football and try to compete in a serious way.


I think that I also go in waves of being invested in watching games, but I have found that I really enjoy watching with others and having good conversations and learning about other people. I think having good conversations is a basic human need and its great being able to have a chat with people connected to SFC all over the world and learn how everyone got involved in the team!


Here is the poll for August, the opening hame is at Las Palmas on August 17, the home opener is Saturday August 24 against Villarreal.

  • At Las Palmas - Saturday August 17
  • Villarreal - Saturday August 24
  • At Mallorca - Tuesday August 27
  • Girona - Saturday August 31
0 voters