Virtual Hangouts/Watch Parties

I was in a similar boat this season as well. I probably only watched a handful of matches outside of Sevilla. I could always watch SFC no problem, but the terrible play compounded by the atrocious standard of refereeing in Spain was draining any desire to watch any other football. A damn shame, cause Serie A is looking fun again. :weary:

I could trace it back to the home game vs Real Sociedad 2 seasons ago, where both Rakitic & Nianzou got straight reds in the 1st half. I think it was the 1st time i simply turned the game off cause i nearly lost my sh!t. :sob: Iā€™m still recovering from that day, but man, only some Banega level of balling can save me now. :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m surprised by how many games i managed to watch. Credit to the Euros, cause iā€™m enjoying these matches more than previous renditions. But this recent Croatia game thoā€¦ man was it soul crushing! I just wanted them to have 1 more chance at a knockout round. (Unless England finds their scoring bootsā€¦)


Back on topic, this kinda applies to me too. I always shy away from watchalongs, cause if we arenā€™t watching the same feed, everyone is out of sync and it takes away from the experience. Itā€™s also my therapy session where i get to yell (non-problematic) expletives at the referees on screen. :relieved::innocent:

But i think thereā€™s ways around this, or am i wrong? Is it possible for everyone to watch it from a single source? As in, someone hosts the feed, and we can all stream it from them?


Yeah! I was able to host the game so everyone could watch from one source.


Itā€™s mostly for the Sevilla matches. After all these years, I donā€™t simply watch the matches, perhaps most of us do the same. I analyze them and try to find meaning out of the way we play, the opponents, and everything that goes around the field. Sometimes many thoughts come into mind and you could get distracted.

I could care less about other matches like in Euros, WC, Champions etc. where we donā€™t play. I watch them for fun mostly.

However, watching it in a stadium with other MM folks would be a great feeling. Definitely even better than the watch parties, but if we can make the watch parties somewhat similar then thatā€™d be great.

Shouting, swearing etc. shouldnā€™t really be a problem :stuck_out_tongue:


Having hung with Tyler once this season, I can vouch for the fact that itā€™s a totally different experience than the watch parties we attempted a number of years back, where everyone had their own stream and it was admittedly a mess.

Iā€™m not a gamer, but for those who are familiar, itā€™s much more akin to that experience where youā€™re all watching the same feed and able to chat about the match as itā€™s happening, whether on camera or for those who donā€™t want to be seen, you can always just lurk and then jump in to opine as you feel the urge.