Best wishes, hope all is well, @TimSpence2
All the best @TimSpence2 hope you’re feeling better soon.
Thanks very much, such nice people.
The Adventures of Sevilla football club.
I have just finished reading the sample 1st edition copy generously provided to me by Tim and must say I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The book is a trip down memory lane, a must read for anyone who has followed the fortunes/missfortunes of Sevilla fc over the last 25yrs or so, sprinkled with a good bit of humour and sadly some tragedy.
Filled with the accounts/ results of every game played from the 2005/2006 season up to 22/23 with the names of some players I admit I’d never heard of, some I’d completely
forgotten about, plus a few I wish I’d never heard of.
It left me with a couple of observations/questions
- Sevilla fc must be the all time winners of the Red card league ( I lost count the number of games in which we received at least 2 )
- After all the years of huge profit making in the transfer windows, plus all the trophies we have won. Where did all the money go?
Many Thanks And good luck with future sales Tim. Looking forward to seeing the finished up to date book with all the extra pages & photographs you mentioned.
That’s one heck of a good review, thank you very much. I’m going to try and cut down on colour photos to keep the cost down. It’s going to retail at no more than €19.99, probably closer to €15.
I’m hearing things on Cope Radio that don’t come out on TV but apparently, the Guardia Civil have investigated the caso Negreira and see ‘indicios de cimenes’ that is indications of criminality. The amounts paid for consultation exceed the norms for consultancy fees. They’ve passed the file to the prosecuters and they’ll decide if it’s worth proceeding. But if anything did happen, it’s all inactive now. There was one season where both Real Madrid and Sevilla received 20 red cards but Barcelona only 4. But it’s true that Sevilla have been severely punished with reds and have never never been dirty like some teams I could mention.
Nothing will come of it Tim, except some lawyers pockets will get filled.
The Guardia Civil found potential criminal evidence in the caso Negreira, with consultancy payments exceeding normal fees. They’ve sent the details to prosecutors to decide on further action.
The book has been delayed a little with printing problems but they are now resolved and there’s no good reason it shouldn’t be officially released this month. I’ve still got thousands of things to do but they’re related to marketing, the book is good to go apart from the final proof check.
I put the book through deepL translation to Spanish and it came out with flying colours apart from a few phrases it didn’t understand, it just skipped them. So there will be a Spanish version in a month or two.
For anyone who comes to Sevilla in the next few months. for example @Jamesd48 let me know and I’ll deliver you a free copy with a chat and a beer.
I do, more eyes the better. I’ll see if I can get you a copy of the English version plus the AI translation.
Size creep is latest printing problem. Previously I’ve had just one book of 25 with the last three pages upside down, another with B+W images and margins creep.
TSS Mahony sounds like the name of a badass warship!
Just reposted on X to increase the visibility! Any sense how far their shipping coverage reaches? I bet Chris and I would gladly get a copy for the Peña here in DC!
Thanks, that helps. I was going to do some some artwork today and post it in the afternoon, trouble is I’m snowed under with other things.
Bookmundo say they sell to Europe and more, don’t know what the more is. It might get onto in a few days, I’ll have to get the American distributor working.