The Adventures of Sevilla Football Club

‘The Adventures of Sevilla FC’ is a soon to be published paperback book about the club, I don’t know of any other written in English. If it goes well, there will be a Spanish version eventually.

The book contains some early history of the club but the main focus is on the years from season 2005-06.

For now, it’s held up with the artwork which is arriving in dribs and drabs. The author is yours truly, Tim Spence and I hope to be posting some of the artwork and excerpts here.

I’m also awaiting clarification on some transfer prices and preseason games. If anyone can help out then I’ll give you a credit in the book.



This sounds amazing, how can I get involved Tim?


Thanks a lot @Mark_EG
I’ve got a list of queries that still are not resolved, I can’t pin down any information about the Kanouté testimonial game, does anyone remember it? and the Palestine t-shirt?

Found this re Kanouté if it’s any use Tim.

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Im sorry Tim, i dont recall the testimonial. I can only think a game of peace for Palestine was vs the Andalusia Selection?

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Thanks Brian, it was Champions for Africa, I’ve got a lot more information already, let’s see if I can piece it all together.

I’ve got the Kanouté testimonial info and the Palestine t-shirt incident and the two weren’t linked. If anyone wants to remind me of some of the worst refereeing decisions against Sevilla FC, that would help me although I’ve got a feeling most of them were in games against Real Madrid.

Tim, the worst referee situation was the 3 denied penalties away at Mallorca, the ref was Gonzalez Gonzalez in the 2006/7 season i think. It pretty much cost us the league. It was a scandal, i still hear many locals in Sevilla talk about this.

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I think we were also hard done by in a Copa del rey final v Barcelona, the one Banega was sent off in


I’ve got that Mallorca incident covered, it was Iturralde González and he confessed he should have awarded the penalties about 10 years later. Chevanton says he took a corner and could feel the knock that Fabiano took. :+1:

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Banega and Carriço I think and Mascherano got a red also. It’s in the book. Del Cerro Grande is the Ref, Sevilla get 9 yellows and two red cards.

One that I can’t pin down is when a Madrid player was pushed by another and he blew penalty against Sevilla, might have beeb Mateo Lahoz.

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Speaking of… Guess who’s in the booth for Sunday’s fixture.

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One random episode that I was thinking falls perfectly into the window of time you’re focused on … That bizarro friendly where Brazil’s national team played Sevilla. I don’t even know if that kind of friendly is even allowable these days, but it’s certainly not something you see frequently. Combined with the other oddity that Sevilla’s Brazilian players switched jerseys at half time. Such and odd little anecdote in recent history.


Sevilla FC v Brazil I don’t know about, I’ve got the Sevilla v New Zealand friendly in there but not the Brazil game, I suppose it was a Brazilian eleven and not the offical squad.


And here


I couldn’t remember the game and I was there, what a dork !

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Seeing as we are playing Barca tomorrow, here’s one of many against them.

Then there was Messi being awarded a penalty for getting his studs caught in the grass and tripping himself.


The Cala goal was certainly valid

Bit hard to judge this Fabiano goal without VAR but the linesman was adamant, no goal.
Sevilla vs Real Madrid, 2011

Funny enough, for years and years, I was convinced that one was a goal…but after learning the rule better and getting multiple camera angles from right over the line… I’m a little more nuanced. I used to think “if you can see space between the ball and the line, it clearly must be a goal” but of course that’s not the actual rule…

Anyhow, supposedly things will get better with VAR… That’s what they said, at least.