Sevilla - North American Tour Summer2023

According to Germán Mansilla from Deportes Cope, LaLiga confirmed the event that will take place between the end of July and the beginning of August.

Atletico v Sevilla in San Fran
El Gran Derbi in Mexico City


To bad it’s almost more expensive for me to travel to California than to Sevilla :joy:


El Gran Derbi in Mexico City would be absolutely wild though!


Plus then you are in California…shudders. Better to fly to Sevilla and enjoy some ice cold Cruzcampo.


Still no announcement on this front, eh?

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Nothing official.

I just got my tickets for SF August 5th! I’ll be in section 313 if any of you are there!


Hi. Is there much of a contingent attending the Sevilla vs Crystal Palace match in Detroit? I’m planning on purchasing tickets and am a new Sevilla fan living in Metro Detroit.


Welcome Jeff! I think there will be a few from this forum there and there will be a lot of American Sevillianos there.

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Yea I might make it up for the game in Detroit myself as well, would be interested in meeting up if there is a gathering of Monchi’s Men

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There will be a few. Shame that was announced after the other string of matches or I’d be at all three. Gonna hit different without my amigo Monchi there though.

Dicen que nunca se mother-f#&king rinde, @ChrisLail.

Monchi is still on the payroll, and in my mind, I’m still raising a glass of tequila with Monchi in August, and Monchi will raise the Super Copa approximately two weeks later


I’ll be there with my whole family!!


Hi everyone, I’m thinking of flying out to SF and attending the match. Does anybody know if there’s a designated supporter’s section? Would love to buy tickets among other Sevillistas!


No section but there are others going. We’ll be in touch. DM your cell or WhatsApp

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Hi USA Sevillistas, I just wanted to expand on Jeff’s post. I am also moving to metro Detroit and have been following Sevilla for a few years now. Is there any plan for meeting up in Detroit? Is everyone planning on sitting in the Sevilla fan section? Looking forward to seeing our team live for the first time!


Welcome! And a third/fourth Cubs fan sevillista, niiice. @ChrisLail, myself and possibly @Rogelio are Cubs fans, in addition to sevillistas. Although, speaking for myself here, my SevillaFC passion is about 40x the depth of my Cubs passion, empirically speaking. But I am still proud of the Cubbies…when they win.

I’m missing out on the Detroit fun, but anyone who can make it to San Fran or Guadalajara, make sure to get in touch with Chris or me, we’ll be rocking the MM contingent at those two matches.


How often does Sevilla make it to the US?

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Every 3 years or so, I wanna say. @ChrisLail was there each time, so he’ll have a better estimate.

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I went to the match against Liverpool at Fenway in Boston July 2019. That was a good time.