The commentator said Lens guy hit Soumare leg when try to shoot (and the dude run too much ahead of the ball too),
but at the end of the day it’s still Soumare tripped Lens guy from the rule’s point of view.
Not sure if I’d agree but it explain.
68th minute and the fucker hasn’t made any changes being down one needing two.
Repetitive issue indeed. always goes for these 80 minute subs…
This game, looking at our bench… I guess it doesn’t matter much anymore…
Alright our turn! now pls.
Watch them rule it out.
come one Sergio…
pls no step pause kick.
Penalty. C’mon guys!
Oh for god sake
That shit took 5 minutes. The other end…one.
Pfffff… ah man… kill it off.
Pen retaken!!!
Wow. High drama.
One more chance pleaseeeee!
No fuck up.
Fucking hell.
This is crazy! Lol
that might have been one of the worst PKs I’ve ever seen lol
Get another boys!
What a pen!
Class that was Ramos!
Okay that’s better. 20 minutes. 1 goal.
Nice one Sergio! 1-1! What drama! Haha
Crazy scenes here! There’s still time!