Palop - Coronavirus

English translation from Google:
andrespalop Today in the #felizdiainternacionaldelportero I do not post any photo of my stage in that demarcation, today I have made a great stop to the Coronavirus … I am already at Home … Hello friends I have been admitted for 12 days because of the positive Covid- 19, unfortunately and like many people I became infected and had to enter the Hospital. Now I can say that after a few days of having a bad time and a lot of uncertainty I have tested negative and I am already at home. I want to thank Hospital 9 d’October for their prompt attention, heartfelt thanks and to show all my respects to Doctors, Pulmonologists, ATS, Nurses, Radiologists, cleaners and cookers … and in general to the entire hospital, why not I want to forget anyone since they have been very important for my recovery recuperación. Thank you, thank you and thank you very much I will never forget all the love and attention that you have given me. Thanks to all my family for being there every day and making me feel strong and giving me so much love. Now to continue in my house for 14 days of isolation and to wait for all this to pass so that I can hug all my relatives. A big hug to everyone, encourage all the people who are going through this to stay positive and with all the strength to win, do not weaken and stay psychologically strong, you leave … take good care of yourself. Greetings Andrés Palop.


Bloody hell. I wondered why he was getting a few mentions online.

Nice now book him for the podcast