Monchi's Men Hangout - Saturday November 19th or Sunday November 20th

Hey everyone. Wanted to get a Monchi’s Men hangout going for the podcast on either of these two days. Would anyone be available? It would be just a fun (well hopefully haha) video chat where we discuss our love for Sevilla, the World Cup, and just whatever else that might come up. Very informal, but it would be great to see you all and chat. Let me know if you wish to participate and what times would work for you on those days. (after 9am eastern time zone please ) :slight_smile:

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Sunday November 20th works for me.

As for the time, maybe 1-2pm EST?

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I’ll be on vacation but def down for next time

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Nice anything fun?

Would love to join, but probably only Saturday and after 8 or 8:30 pm ET. Might be able to squeeze it in earlier in the day Saturday, too. Certainly not 6-8 pm.

Fingers crossed

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@ChrisLail - how about a MM hangout every week, or at least biweekly on a set Saturday or Sunday so that those that miss one will be able to get on the other and so on.

Also, if we’d want a mix of North America and Europe - it should be no later than 3-4pm ET.


Brilliant idea