Jesús Navas to leave

Jesús Navas announced that this his last year with Sevilla. An absolute legend. For me, he is the greatest Sevilla player of all time. We all knew that this day would come, but it still hurts.

This is truly, the end of an era.

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His last home game would be against Barcelona on the 25th.

Where does he go from here? I can’t imagine MLS? Saudi League? UAE? A La Liga 2 club like Huelva? God forbid :poop: :joy:

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Has he made this decision on his own?

Surely he would have been offered a contract extension

No way he’s going to another club. I hope he protects his legacy and honer by complete retirement instead of that prolonged fading into oblivion.

Never sits me well when club icons like Iniesta and Busquets go for some weird side quests in obscure leagues.

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I can’t see him going anywhere. His anxiety is too bad. I think this will be him hanging up his boots as a player. I am about 99% he will be back at the club in some capacity.

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Looks like he wasn’t contacted about a new contract.

Translation of the note Jesus Navas just posted a bit ago.

Hello Sevillian…

It’s been a sad day, a very difficult day for me, a day I never thought would come, a day given the decision I’ve made I must be honest: I don’t believe it myself. But that’s the way it turned out. I’ve read that they say the decision was made a long time ago, but, with all due respect, it hasn’t been so…

My departure from Sevilla FC was trying to explain it when some of my teammates asked me and told them that for me it was crazy what I’m experiencing. Just because I understand that I can’t see my Sevilla like this. I show myself before my last year and it’s difficult to face, for how I live it and for how I feel it, because a football without my Sevilla is not a decision that can be made four months ago.

What’s more, I already went through this situation last year when I had a contract and, despite the difficult year, I fought to move on and was faced with the same situation as this course. But I wasn’t decided because only, my closest ones, know how hard it was for me to think of an exit. Because it is my Seville and because there has been no call, none, from those who were supposed to propose my continuity. But it’s still more painful to face that after communicating it there was no wait let’s see…

It’s always occurred to me that I could be here until I wanted to, but no one has cleared up my doubts that at the end of the season there would be that call that confirmed my continuity. That’s why all I wanted was to be able to enjoy you, in an unforgettable last day in Nervión. That’s the only thing that matters to me, my fans and my Sevilla, hoping to be back soon to help you because the important thing is to put the heart and the Sevillian blood, and that’s all I’ve done in all these years.

I end with a painful subject. They said I quit for a better offer, but if it was for that I wouldn’t have been on my soul team pretty much my entire career. I also do not have a team because I want to focus on body and soul in my country, whom I hope to help in the future, as I have done with honor with my Sevilla.

Jesus Navas Gonzalez


They’re offering him a contract, belatedly, after it caused a stink.
And they’ve fired Kinky Flores, so I’m told.


Whoever was responsible for not offering Navas a new contract needs fired.
It makes the club look so shit that something like this was able to happen.


Sevilla confirm renewal


Navas will keep on playing until December 31st. He will then take up another role within the club


What a weird turn of events. He’s playing for free, but only until December? So weird.


The Legend goes on​:melting_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth::ok_hand:

What a Muppet Show…


Club saving face and Navas gets a proper retirement.


Why is he only getting half a season ?

Very shameful way, again.

Glad for Navas tho, to deserve what he lived for all his life.


The real loser in all this is @ShendM who was nearly getting to see Navas’ last game with Sevilla, but will have to return in December.

Reminds me of when I thought I had seen Monchi’s final game with Sevilla…and then his Roma experiment went south and that was just one of Monchi’s departures


These are one of the many reasons why Monchi’s departure hurt the club. He knew how to take care of players.


My son @NayNayAK was begging us last night for plane tickets to Sevilla to see him. Would have been $2200 for two people. We had to bring him back to reality. Now December, we might try to get there for Christmas break to see his last game.