23/24 - MD38 - Sevilla FC vs Barcelona

Damnit… couldn’t help it. Didn’t watch the last 3-4 matches due to the overall pathetic state of the team, management etc. but the news of Navas was very emotional…

Bought tickets for this match, going with my father. The first time ever in RSP :star_struck:

If anyone is around town, would love to have a beer before/after the match.


Biris planning a march pre-match and encouraging fans to turn up 10 mins after kick off so that the stadium looks empty. They also want fans to dress in black to signify the death of the club’s values.


I love Biris for this❤️

But i think, we need the second league…to wash our club. Hard to say, no more TV Money, but thats my opinion.

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When perhaps there is not lobster after the match…some people wake up.

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Ridiculous from Biris imo. You are a supporters club, support the club! That’s just been me in the past for this crap.

We don’t need a drop to force changes. The drop in funding is going to force changes. We only get 49 million euros from TV share next season.

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I wouldn’t wish relegation on a team I support.

The loss of revenue from European football will be a huge enough blow.


Hi folks, i know this may be a longshot but i am visiting seville for the first time from Gibraltar (previously from the UK) this weekend and would love to go the game. I appreciate that there is a ticket offer for season ticket holders / members and wondered if anyone could help with this at all? (otherwise 3 tickets are going to cost nearly 400 euros!)

Much appreciated in advance for any help or guidance here.



It would be nice to end the season on a high note. Hopefully the players and crowd are up for it with the mighty Barca coming to town! Vamos mi Sevilla!


Yeah this is true. I couldn’t imagine what relegation would have done to this club. I’m glad it was avoided and at least we can rebuild again. Being out of Europe might help us build a new squad with less distractions. We just need time to form a new strong squad.

The board position is still on going too and the quicker that resolves the better.


ShendM how long are you in Sevilla for?

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I believe they leave Tuesday. I can pass him your number if you would like Mark. Shoot it to me again just in case I don’t have it.


Oh I arrive tomorrow late on so wont be able to meet him on Tuesday which is a real shame, not to worry


It’s the goodbye game of Xavi Hernández, I wonder if Kinky is up for the Barca job?

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Just seen a fun ending of the dutch play offs for Europe. Low tier team from a small city won it in a crazy and sensational manner. So atleast that was some football. Because i’m unsure if this game will provide any. It should, but then again, that has not meant anything for a while.

I hard agree with Biris statement. Also after having raised the prices and putting fans all year through this, you are allowed to show some protest. People telling them to sit down and cheer trying to discredit people having a voice are careless.

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Wait, QSF is out? I thought he straightened out this mess of a season.

Some Sevilla fans whistling and booing. Aimed at the board most likely.

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Biris Norte is entirely gone…?

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No Navas?

In 10 minutes they will come.