23/24 MD28 - Sevilla FC at Almeria

we should have scored but isaac cant finish today


BadƩ what are you doing?


Bade having a nightmare, at fault for their goal and very nearly gifting them anotherā€¦
we have to start putting away these chances we keep getting.


What a gift. Luckily unpunished on that one. Lot of imprecision.


We should have scored before Almeria got their lead. Isaac not finishing as well as he has been.

A well taken goal on the counter from them although we were caught out.

They donā€™t look like a side winless at the bottom of the table.

Need to take our chances in the second half.

They are not a team that can lay back and defend anyway. Not much changes.

We will get more chances. No room for fuck ups tho.

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Very poor defensive play and lack of awareness from midfield on the goal.
Soumare and Sow did not need to bomb forward leaving a huge gap in the middle which was exploited easily on counter-attack. Soumare was just jogging back casually, leaving centrebacks badly exposed there.

Soumare then repeated his canā€™t-really-be-bothered-to-run-back jog on the almost identical chance for them.

If these players thought they didnā€™t have to try hard in this game, theyā€™d better have a short sharp shock from QSF at halftime.

I wonder how ready Lamela is for at least the last 30 min - need his energy and tenacity here.

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SoumarĆ© got a knock of some sort as well. I donā€™t think heā€™s a 100. And after having gone that deep I donā€™t think it was reachable. He does rush back quite a bit normally.

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We need to start playing 4-4-2. We play 1 game in that formation, play well, win, and Quique be like ā€œhow about we never do that shit againā€.

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Really good game for Lamela I think so too.

We canā€™t defend with this set of CBs. Iā€™d love to see Ocampos push up more, but iā€™m thankful heā€™s taking his defensive duties seriously.

Isaac hasnā€™t been as sharp, but at least heā€™s never shy to shoot. Still linking up well with YEN, so we may see more chances come thru.

We got this. VMS !

Need to watch young Luka Romero, heā€™s been their one exciting player after joining Almeria on loan from AC Milan in January.


I had no idea he was here before this game. Heā€™s got talent. I just hope he doesnā€™t experience loan hell and become a forgotten Alen Halilovic.

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He once again turned up in the Eredivisie almost becoming a new linked player to Ajax even lol.

It made sense tho, Ajax deserves a trophy for most horrible transfer window ever, evaporating about a 100m.

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This game is absolutely painful. I thought Ocampos being back was gonna be the fire the team needed to continue in form butā€¦


Two just recovered players entering the pitch again.

Certainly some interesting substitutions in need of a goal. Love to see both of them back, but I dont know if taking off an attacking midfielder in Torres off for Gudelj, as well as taking off YEN for a winger is certainly a choice. We donā€™t have any targets in the box.

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How is that not a pen? a yard infront of the ref and he doesnā€™t even see a foul.

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Itā€™s not even funny how bad this display is.

It looked like a penalty when I first saw it, but the replay shows it was outside the box and very light contact