23/24 MD25 - Sevilla FC at Valencia


Agoumé, Nianzou, Marcao, Lamela, Gudelj, Ocampos, Lukebakio y Mariano all missing from practice today.


Damn! Might have been easier to list who showed up!


Ocampos ends up missing this one, but Salas returns, and Alejo VĂ©liz makes his 1st matchday squad.

I wonder if Kike goes straight in, or if we run with an Acuña / Pedrosa combo on the left side.


Interesting squad, lots of possibilities! Let’s hope it works out! If we play like last week, it has potential to be a 2 goal game for us! :eyes:


It’s a huge loss, Ocampos. He has become a target man and important in the build up.


Huge game tonight… With Isaac in this form, i think we can come away with tres puntoe… Vamos…


Last two weeks have made us believe that we are actually capable of winning tough games (or any games at all). Something that was absent for the entirety of the year. That Vallecano fork of a game, were we took the right railway switch that we needed to combat the rest of this year. This squad, has new mental, new dynamics, new faith and without a doubt Isaac is the main factor in all of this.

It was far from planned and that makes it even better, that out of the gutter you rise again and the power for it comes from where we didn’t even expect it, one that was not even in the picture or we did not even consider. I credited Quique, but it was partly forced out of desperation and the Africa Cup. Almost all of the credits should go to Isaac himself, and that makes what he does so much more impressive.

Valencia is a team, that has a couple of their own Isaacs, and their situation has given them those, just as how we got ours. They definitely deserve some praise for how despite their owners and how they are run. The football in their roots will give them an inexhaustible power source and it should be admired. A club, their history and legends and a phenomenal city too in which I had the privilege to live for two years and watch this same game in Mestalla as well, brings me joy alone.

One of my favourite games of the year and now I am typing this I can’t wait for the first whistle…

Vamooos mi Sevilla!


I am guessing no, but is anyone interested in watching together?

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A maybe from me. Depends if the family kicks me out to the second TV when I turn on the match… plus I watch a stream that I can’t adjust backward, making it difficult to watch with others…or at least I assume.


Acuna and Pedrosa in the starting 11!

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@Edinho called it in the podcast.


big loss in ocampos he was huge last game. confident in pedrosa nonetheless. same formation despite that

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So… is it a 4-4-2… a 3-5-2, a 3-4-1-2 or ???

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sofascore says 442 but we played a more dynamic formation last game… with a 442 off the ball and a 352 on it

i think its safe to say we will see similar tactics today


looks like kike salas will be playing ahead of pedrosa today according to sofascore


valencia red card to keep the pattern going???


Guaita takes it! fuck barca.

lol because of Lewandowski his delay to bait the goalie. Guaita gets punished.

Retaken. Goal. Nothing to win.


Yeah SFC TV has Salas instead of Pedrosa.

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https://discord.gg/JHPF6qNh here is a link if anyone wants to watch together!