23/24 Copa del Rey - Sevilla FC at Quintanar de la Orden

Not sure how much I care about the first round of CdR, but here’s an article about our first rivals:

You can catch a glimpse at their “stadium” in the article.


If any of you is in Spain, I suppose it’s not a far AVE ride from either Madrid or Sevilla to Toledo.

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Nevermind re: Toledo. Quintanar is part of Toledo, but is way out in the middle of nowhere. Confirmed, not worth the ride.

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This is what I look forward to when I eventually move to Spain is to see all these small towns and catch a match while doing so. I’ve had the best experiences just driving around Spain and discovering these hole-in-the-wall places.


A thread on one aspect of interest in the Quintanar stadium:


Seated next to the Plaza de Toros. The Peña Sevillista there is called “La Corrida”

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@SurreySevilla we actually just last year had a first match in Granada, but agreed that these matches end up requiring us to rack up a lot of unnecessary travel to far flung places. No real sense in it all beyond the political theater of it all. First couple rounds still shouldn’t involve First Division teams, that’s my thinking.

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Notice anything wrong with this article from Marca?

Something different about Manu Bueno’s hair this year…

Speaking of the real Manu Bueno, is anyone disappointed that he didn’t get loaned out? I can understand him not being held for the first team this year, but weird to leave him playing in 4th division after playing in a ton of huge matches for us last year.



Perfect game for some players we need to get rid off to act like they have some value.


Oh, wow, going to dig to see what the excuse is. I’m wondering if he’s refusing to play backup to Nyland.

Got a sprained little finger apparently


Not much fire power on the bench. Better take care of business early!

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Wonder if we will see Gattoni today?

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Besides the new people and two strikers, it’s close to a line up that we would play CL with not long ago.

Don’t want to be overzealous but we should be able to reach 10-0 if youre honest.

I know that normally does not happen but our players have something to prove no?


Yeah, I bet that’s 80% of the squad vs Roma in the final last year. Just need Marcão available as a sub (can you guys believe Marcão played in that match and was only a handful of shots away from having the take a PK for us?)

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Similar shirts to our youth. Almost has something of the feeling playing against Sevilla Atletico but then even lower level.

Found a quality stream. Vamooss!

I’ll go for 5 goals from each of our strikers and while we are at it Jordan with a hattrick.

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Jordan is so bad haha


Good kick there from the goalie, not sure about the size of the field looks on the small side. Nah it looks fine, the grass not so much but we can’t complain.

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would make a point, to take him off round about minute 25.


Rafa Mir 1-0. Deep cross, onto Oliver headed back to Mir who heads it in.

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